Monday, July 1, 2013


This morning I've been exploring the TED and TED-Ed sites. I have found some very wonderful videos that have really got me thinking and I know would also get my students thinking.

I have found that some of the videos on TED are very thought provoking and inspiring but may not be suitable for elementary students. For example, I found this video about standing up for yourself but soon realized that the speaker started to use profanity a few minutes into the video. Another reason why you should ALWAYS preview the ENTIRE video before showing it in class! :)

I really liked how the TED-Ed site is set up for educators. You are able to search for videos by subject, content, and duration. I also really like how the site is set up to help educators flip their classrooms. You can create your own lessons and even add questions to the end of the video. Such a wonderful idea!

Check out this video on how it works!

While exploring TED Ed I came across a video about the Bill of Rights. I think this video will be a perfect way to start a discussion with my fourth graders. I always struggle with this lesson in our Nebraska History book. I know that it is important for the students to have an introduction to the topic, but there is SO many other things we have to cover during the year. I also know that they will be learning more about our government later on so I'm okay with teaching a short lesson about this topic. I think this video will work great! :)


  1. Thanks Jamie for the Ted Ed website tour! I am also going to be sharing the Bill of Rights with my Social Studies teachers at the Junior High! Great Finds!

  2. Thanks Beth, there are also videos explaining the branches of government and how the electoral college works. They are pretty simple but would be great for introducing a topic!

  3. I love that you found the TED-Ed site! I debated on which one to include in the Challenge and went with TED as there is more content. I do think the TED-Ed videos are generally shorter in length and may be better suited for younger students.

  4. Great to know about the TED-Ed site! I will be using this video and some of the others I found there as well. Constitution Day comes early in the school year, and I am so going to use this video!

  5. I too found the Ted-Ed site and found it more useful to me. I focused on finding science material, so I really appreciate your suggestions for social studies as well. I will spend some more time exploring Ted-Ed SS in the near future. I just love getting new ideas from everyone doing the NPSSTC!.

  6. Previewing videos completely is key, isn't it?! :-) After scoping out TED I followed your lead and headed over to TED-Ed... you should see the adorable video I found on Good and Bad. Great introduction to our lesson on Million Dollar Synonyms! Can't wait to start collaborating new ideas soon!
